Muay Thai John Valbonesi Muay Thai John Valbonesi

Understanding Muay Thai - The Art of 8 Limbs

Discover the exhilarating world of Muay Thai, the ancient Thai martial art known as 'The Art of 8 Limbs.' Delve into its rich history, learn about its unique techniques, and uncover the multitude of benefits it offers for both mind and body. Join us at Everyday Athlete Gym to embark on a transformative journey of strength, discipline, and cultural appreciation through our expert-led Muay Thai classes. Begin your Muay Thai adventure today and redefine your approach to fitness and personal growth.

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Nutrition John Valbonesi Nutrition John Valbonesi

The Ultimate Everyday Athlete Guide to Smart Food Shopping in Glasgow

Join Everyday Athlete Gym's journey towards healthier living with our exclusive Food Shopping Guide. Learn how to avoid common supermarket traps in Glasgow and choose foods that support your fitness regime. Our guide provides practical steps for creating a nutrition-focused shopping list, understanding supermarket layouts, and making informed choices that align with a healthy, active lifestyle

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Nutrition John Valbonesi Nutrition John Valbonesi

Mastering Nutrition - Beating Cravings

Join us at Everyday Athlete as we delve into the secrets of maintaining consistent nutrition habits, regardless of the time of day or week. Explore practical tips to conquer cravings and make significant strides towards your fitness goals.

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