Hard Things, Easy Life. Easy Things, Hard Life

Coach Valbo of Everyday Athlete Gm in Glasgow, in the middle of a Hard Workout.


Today, I want to chat with you about something that’s been on my mind, and it’s all wrapped up in this little nugget of wisdom: “Hard Things, Easy Life. Easy Things, Hard Life.” I can't remember where I read this one but its always stuck with me.

Why We Embrace The Sweat.

Choosing to do the hard things – waking up early for a morning workout, or heading to the gym after work when every fibre in your being just wants to go home, pushing through one more set when your muscles scream in protest, saying no to the easy allure of comfort food, having the tough conversations with friends or family – these are the moments that define us. These choices don't just build muscle or character; they forge resilience, discipline, and mental toughness.  They embody our mantra #strongereveryday.

It's in the sweat, the effort, and the perseverance where we find our true strength. This strength not only elevates our physical capabilities but also prepares us for life's inevitable challenges. By regularly stepping into discomfort in a controlled environment like Everyday Athlete Gym, we equip ourselves with the tools to handle any adversity life throws our way.

The Easy Road?  Not Our Style

Now, taking the easier route, "act I'll go tomorrow or next week..... I'll do it later" might sound nice for a hot minute, but where’s the fun in that? Avoiding challenges might give us a break, but it also means we miss out on growing. It’s those tough moments that teach us the most – about fitness, sure, but also about who we are and what we’re capable of.

So, let’s make a pact to not shy away from the hard choices. Let’s face them head-on, with a grin, knowing that each step forward is making us more resilient for whatever comes next.


Take The Hard Road

How about we all pick one hard thing to tackle this week? Could be pushing yourself a bit more in your workout, commiting to 3 or more workouts this week , or maybe even speaking up in a meeting when you’d usually keep quiet. Share what you’re taking on with the crew – let’s cheer each other on and make those hard things a little easier, together.

Remember, it’s the tough stuff that prepares us for the world outside the gym. Let’s show that world what we’re made of.

We’re in This Together

You’re not alone in this – I’m right here with you, cheering you on, pushing you forward, and maybe even doing a few of those tough things alongside you.  The last few weeks on the road to completing this years Hyrox, I've been turning the cold water on when ending my shower, starting with just 30 Seconds, its almost excruciating, yet the feeling once you're out is amazing, less soreness and wide awake.  This week I'm going to up that to two Minutes to end the shower.  Let’s keep inspiring each other, celebrating our wins (big or small), and building a strong, supportive community that lifts each other up.

Here’s to doing hard things and making life a little easier, one step at a time.

Coach Valbo


The Basics Of CrossFit