Mastering Nutrition - Beating Cravings

Sticking to a healthy diet can often feel like a walk in the park during the daylight hours or the working week. But as the sun sets or the weekend beckons, many of us find ourselves grappling with a barrage of cravings for cookies, chocolate, and crisps. Why does this happen, and how can we combat these urges to maintain our nutrition and fitness goals?

Understanding Cravings: More Than Just Willpower

It's easy to chalk up giving in to cravings as a lack of willpower, but there's more to it than just self-control. Understanding the root causes of these cravings can be the first step towards managing them effectively.

Person contemplating food choices, representing the struggle with cravings

The Role Of Under-eating

A common misconception about maintaining a healthy diet is equating 'clean eating' with minimal eating. This approach often leads to not consuming enough calories, especially for those who are active and workout regularly.

Small portions of clean food, illustrating under-eating in diets

Identifying Your Eating Type: Abstainer or Moderator

Knowing whether you're an abstainer or a moderator can significantly impact how you handle cravings. Abstainers may find it easier to avoid certain foods altogether, whereas moderators can indulge in moderation without losing control.

Navigating the Weekend and Late-Night Temptations

The weekends and late nights can be particularly challenging when it comes to maintaining healthy eating habits. Here are some strategies to help you navigate these times:

1. Planning is Key

Preparation can make a world of difference. Plan your meals and have healthy snacks ready for when cravings hit.

Meal prepping, a key strategy for staying on track with nutrition

2. Understanding Your Body's Signals

Sometimes, what we perceive as hunger can be dehydration or boredom. Learning to understand your body's true signals is crucial.

Drinking water to check if its thirst instead of hunger

3. Mindful Eating Practices

Mindful eating is about being present during your meals and fully enjoying your food. This practice can help prevent overeating and make meals more satisfying.

Person practicing mindful eating, enjoying food without distractions

4. Balancing Macronutrients

Ensuring your meals are balanced with the right mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can keep you fuller for longer and reduce cravings.

A well-balanced meal, ideal for curbing cravings

5. The Importance of Sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to increased hunger and cravings. Prioritizing sleep is as important as diet for managing cravings and maintaining overall health.

Getting adequate sleep to help manage cravings and hunger

The 90/10 Rule: Finding Balance

The 90/10 rule is about finding a balance between discipline and indulgence. Allow yourself some leeway on designated days, but stay committed to your nutrition goals for the majority of the time.

This Week's Challenge: The 90/10 Commitment

Try the 90/10 Commitment. Allocate five days in the next two months as your ‘free pass’ days. On these days, allow yourself some indulgences. For the rest of the time, focus on eating balanced, nutritious meals. Prioritize foods high in protein or fiber and keep your meals balanced by including a carb, protein, and fat source at every sitting.

Why This Approach Works

This strategy works because it acknowledges the natural human desire for occasional indulgence, while keeping a strong foundation of healthy eating. It prevents the feeling of deprivation that often leads to overeating and ensures that you're giving your body the nutrition it needs to function optimally.

Long-Term Benefits

By practicing the 90/10 rule, you can:

  • Improve your overall dietary habits without feeling deprived.

  • Learn to enjoy treats in moderation without guilt.

  • Maintain a consistent approach to nutrition that supports your fitness and health goals.

Everyday Athlete’s Guide to Balanced Eating

At Everyday Athlete, we believe in sustainable, balanced approaches to nutrition and fitness. By implementing strategies like the 90/10 rule, our aim is to help you develop habits that support your health and well-being, not just for a season, but for a lifetime.

So, there you have it – a practical, sustainable way to manage your nutrition, especially during challenging times like late nights and weekends. Remember, the journey to a healthier you is not about perfection; it's about finding balance and making choices that support your overall well-being.

Join us at Everyday Athlete Gym for more tips, support, and guidance on your fitness journey. Whether it's nutrition advice or workout plans, we're here to help you become the strongest version of yourself.


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