This Week at EDA 07.08.23

Welcome to a new week of training here at CrossFit EDA Glasgow. 

Happy Monday Everyday Athletes and welcome to a new week of training! 

Welcome to another week of training, and what a week we have ahead! 

Not only do we have our big summer social on Saturday but we also have two fighters entering the ring on Saturday nights POS fight show 🙌

Good luck Michael and Aaron 💪

Now let’s get into this week's training, shall we? 

Monday - 
We are in Oly week five team so expect a well crafted challenging Monday workout 🙌

We’ve got overhead squats, and front squats but let this act as a primer for tomorrow's even bigger workout. 

Today is really all about cardio. Pick your machine of choice and get ready to row, ski, or bike to some heights! Don’t worry we will give you a rest every three minutes for push-ups and sit-ups! 

It’s gonna be sweaty! 

Tuesday - 
Okay, so you came in yesterday and primed for today, meaning you are 100% ready to tackle squat snatch, snatch pulls, and power snatch 🙌

We are hitting high percentage work so this should be challenging, any questions just grab a coach! 

We will then hit a pretty quick, 7-minute AMRAP. Featuring favourites like hang power snatch, overhead squats, and double unders! 

Wednesday -

Okay, okay. We’ve heard you. Those two were some pretty insane workouts. So let’s put the weights down and work on our gymnastics. 

Today we will be rocking some serious muscle-up practice. 

Before jumping into a sweaty slam ball, squat, and muscle-up buffet. 

We hope you’re hungry for gains 😎

Thursday -
It’s Oly day three 🙌

We’ve got split jerk, and we are going heavy. We are looking to work three sets of two reps at about 80-90% of your one rep max. 

You’ve got this! 

Our fitness for the day will be a nice mix of cardio and ground to overheads. It’s sixteen minutes, and it will be difficult but we know you can absolutely smash it! 

We’ve got squat cleans, we’ve got clean pulls and you know what else? 

That’s right a benchmark workout. 

Team prepare for “Sudden Impact”, you’ve got 30 toes to bar, 60 hang squat cleans and 30 toes to bar. 

This is a for-time workout so let’s see you give it your all! 

Saturday - 
Let’s keep Saturday as a surprise! But bring a pal, as we have options for a partner workout! 

On Sunday we’ll give you a chance to catch up on any sessions you’ve missed or just to use the open gym as an opportunity to get some extra fitness in 🙌

Muay Thai is running every night this week as always, so for those looking to get a real good sweat on this one’s for you.

These classes cater to everyone from pro fighters, to complete beginners. We all start somewhere and this could be your sign to try something new!

We can’t wait to see what you achieve this week, so let’s get to it 🙌

If you haven’t signed up yet, you can find out more about our memberships here. Or treat yourself to a drop-in and come along and try a class. 


Getting Started with CrossFit


This Week at EDA 31.07.23